domingo, março 04, 2007


Ouvindo Agora
Damien Rice - Cheers Darlin'
Cheers darlin'
Here's to you and your lover boy
Cheers darlin'
I got years to wait around for you
Cheers darlin'
I've got your wedding bells in my ear
Cheers darlin'
You give me three cigarettes to smoke my tears away
And I die when you mention his name
And I lie I should have kissed you
When we were running in the rain
What am I darlin'?
A whisper in your ear?
A piece of your cake?
What am I darlin?
The boy you can fear?
Or your biggest mistake?
Cheers darlin'
Here's to you and your lover man
Cheers darlin'
I'll just hang around and eat from a can
Cheers darlin'
I got a ribbon of green on my guitar
Cheers darlin'
I got a beauty queen
To sit not very far from me
I die when he comes around to take you home
I'm too shy I should have kissed you
When we were alone
What am I darlin'?
A whisper in your ear?
A piece of your cake?
What am I darlin?
The boy you can fear?
Or your biggest mistake?
What am I?
Here's to you and your lover
What am I darlin'?
I got years to wait around for you

3 comentários:

Marcos Angeli disse...

Conheço algumas canções do damien rice, mas ainda num ouvi um disco inteiro.
Eu gosto desse estilo:
garotos tristes e suas guitarras.
talvez eu seja um.


Anônimo disse...

precisa colocar mais coisa no teu blog, varrer a poeira, expulsar as largatixas...
bem legal, ele.

stay tuned:

Anônimo disse...

Pink, valeu pelo Comentario la' no Digestivo, procurei voce no Orkut mas nao encontrei, vamos manter contato, abracao! Julio